Non-Contact / Only Contact

Contract Type:
Generic Contract

The Parties shall not contact or communicate with each other in relation to this Agreement save through the following designated representatives: For the Client: [name and contact details] For the Contractor: [name and contact details] The designated representatives may be changed by written notice to the other Party. Any notice or communication made or delivered by one Party to the other Party in accordance with this clause shall be deemed to have been received and given sufficient notice.


Here is a plain English explanation of the Non-Contact / Only Contact clause:

- The parties can only communicate with each other about this contract through named representatives.

- The client's representative is listed as [name and details].

- The contractor's representative is listed as [name and details].

- The representatives can be changed if written notice is given.

- Any notice between the parties through the designated representatives is deemed received and proper notice given.

- The purpose is to control and channel formal communications through named points of contact.

- It prevents circumventing the official channels and keeps everything on record.

- Having set representatives provides clarity on who will manage the relationship and exchange important information.

- It helps coordinate the contract administration through regular dialogue between the main points of contact.

History of the clause (for the geeks)

The use of designated representatives or points of contact in contracts emerged in the 18th and 19th centuries as business dealings grew more complex.

With larger organizations and more impersonal transactions, it became important to clearly specify communication protocols.

Rather than parties contacting whichever employee or manager they wished, companies sought to funnel pertinent conversations through official channels. This helped structure business relationships that were increasingly at arm's length.

Specifying certain representatives brought order to decentralized organizations where various employees might otherwise make unauthorized or contradictory promises. It prevented confusion around the "one voice" empowered to negotiate or provide updates.

As operations spanned departments and even continents, strict communication disciplines prevented the left hand from not knowing what the right was doing. With chains of command and delegated authorities, adhering to proper channels enabled oversight.

Contract clauses designating contacts ensured both parties knew who spoke for who. As business evolved from personal to corporate relationships, and simple to sophisticated deals, this brought needed clarity.

Today such clauses remain valuable in managing complex transactions and preventing misunderstandings.

They bring order to communications, so that notices go where intended and the appropriate personnel are kept informed.