Start and End Dates

Contract Type:
Employment Agreement

Your employment with the Company will commence on [DATE] (the "Start Date"). Your employment with the Company will continue until terminated in accordance with the Termination provisions of this Agreement.


Here is a plain English explanation of the suggested Start and End Dates clause:

This clause establishes when the employment relationship between the employee and the company will begin and how long it will last.

Specifically, it states that the employee's job with the company will start on the date listed in the agreement. This is known as the "Start Date."

The clause also says the employee will continue working for the company until either they or the company decide to end the employment relationship. The agreement has a "Termination" section that will explain how either the employee or the company can terminate the employment.

So in simple terms, this clause sets the start date for the job and says employment will continue until one party terminates it as outlined elsewhere in the agreement.

It establishes the basic term of employment.

History of the clause (for the geeks)

Employment contracts specifying start and end dates emerged in the 19th century as employment relationships transitioned from more informal arrangements to formalized agreements between employers and employees.

In earlier eras of history, employment was often much more casual and temporary in nature. With industrialization and the growth of more complex business organizations, longer-term employment relationships became more common. Employers sought a more stable, consistent workforce, and employees desired more job security and steady wages.

Specifying start and end dates in employment contracts provided clarity for both parties on the exact terms of the relationship. For employers, it allowed them to plan for staffing needs. For employees, it provided assurance about the expected duration of a job. Having set dates reduced confusion and disputes about the timeframe of work.

As employment law evolved to deal with wrongful termination and unfair dismissal, the contract's start and end dates took on greater legal significance. They formed part of the contractual obligations between employer and employee. Clear start and end dates gave both parties defined terms to point to in any termination or severance situation.

While open-ended employment remains common today, specifying start and end dates remains a best practice in contracts to prevent misunderstandings and ambiguities around the intended length of employment.

The dates provide helpful definition to the relationship for both employer and employee.